March 30, 2009

Calm Assertive

In my family, there has long been a tradition of getting presents from the dogs. Sprout (Meredith) recently caught on to this practice, and for my birthday last week, I was delighted to find one present with a card that read: "To Mama, Love Treat Sprout."

Sprout's pick for me was a great little book called The Daily Coyote. It is based on a blog of the same name, and is about a woman who raised an orphaned coyote pup. Sometimes I think Sprout looks like a coyote, but as I learned, it's a lot easier to raise Sprout. The book is a really easy and enjoyable read with lots of color photographs, and if you're the kind of person who likes the idea of getting presents from your dog, chances are you'll like the book.

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